DSprtn / GTFO_VR_Plugin

A plugin to add full roomscale Virtual Reality support to your favorite game!
MIT License
143 stars 13 forks source link

Not working for rundown 6. Any ETA? #28

Closed zmifsx closed 2 years ago

zmifsx commented 2 years ago

Yup I read the readme. Just wondering when will it work.

Also, I found boot.config.xml in GTFO_Data that has this line that says vr-enabled=0.

Does this in any way could mean the game is officially getting VR Support?

DSprtn commented 2 years ago

No, that's a standard Unity setting.

The mod is being updated. A lot of stuff has changed though so it might take a bit.

DSprtn commented 2 years ago

There is a beta build available for R6 in the Discord. A release should follow after a week of testing or so.