DTStack / dt-sql-parser

SQL Parsers for BigData, built with antlr4.
MIT License
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with 语法校验不过去 #136

Closed wangxiahui007 closed 1 year ago

wangxiahui007 commented 1 year ago

The Type of SQL e.g. Impala

Your Code e.g. parser.parserSql(....);

Problem e.g. the code do not work.

HaydenOrz commented 1 year ago

可以请你提供详细的 SQL 示例吗?这样我们能更快的定位和修复此问题。

wangxiahui007 commented 1 year ago

with cntpty_acct as (
select acct_serno,acct_num,card_num,acct_name,ACCT_OPEN_DT from f_ncbs_mb_acct_info where data_dt='20230406' and cust_num in ( select cust_num from f_ncbs_cust_info where data_dt='20230406' and cust_shname in ('测试') union select a.cust_num from a_f_dp_acct_belong_acm a where a.data_dt='20230406' and a.dept_num in ( select dept_num from a_d_og_org_info_acm where data_dt='20230406' and (super_dept_num='105' or dept_num='105') ) ) ), cust_acct as (
select acct_serno,acct_num,card_num,acct_name,ACCT_OPEN_DT from F_NCBS_MB_ACCT_INFO where data_dt='20230406' and cust_num in (select cbs_cust_num from a_d_cu_cust_base where data_dt='20230406' and is_int_cust='Y' and cust_shname='张三') )

select d.acct_name as 客户名称, d.acct_num as 账号, d.card_num as 卡号, d.ACCT_OPEN_DT as 开户日期, d.tran_dt as 交易日期, d.tran_tmsp AS 交易时间, case when d.dc_flg='C' THEN '入款' ELSE '出款' END as 出入款标识, d.tran_amt as 交易金额, d.ivc_brf as 摘要, d.tran_postsc as 附言, d.tran_desc as 交易描述, d.cntpty_acct_num as 对手账号, d.cntpty_acct_name as 对手名称, d.cntpty_bank_name as 交易对手行 from (
select d.seq_num ,d.acct_serno ,d.chn_type_cd ,d.tran_dt ,d.tran_tmsp ,d.dc_flg ,d.tran_amt ,d.actl_bal ,d.ivc_brf ,d.tran_postsc ,d.tran_desc ,a.cntpty_acct_num ,a.cntpty_acct_name ,a.cntpty_bank_name ,a.card_num ,c.acct_num ,c.acct_name ,c.ACCT_OPEN_DT from F_NCBS_MB_FIN_FLOW d inner join cust_acct c on d.acct_serno = c.acct_serno left join A_F_TX_FIN_CNTPTY a on a.seq_num=d.seq_num where d.data_dt=(select to_char(dateadd(to_date(CURRENT_DATE(),'yyyy-mm-dd'),-1,'dd'),'yyyymmdd')) and d.tran_dt <='20230406' and (a.cntpty_acct_num in ( select acct_num from cntpty_acct union all select card_num from cntpty_acct where nvl(card_num,'')<>'' ) or a.cntpty_acct_name in ('张三','李四') ) union select d.seq_num ,d.acct_serno ,d.chn_type_cd ,d.tran_dt ,d.tran_tmsp ,d.dc_flg ,d.tran_amt ,d.actl_bal ,d.ivc_brf ,d.tran_postsc ,d.tran_desc ,a.cntpty_acct_num ,a.cntpty_acct_name ,a.cntpty_bank_name ,a.card_num ,c.acct_num ,c.acct_name ,c.ACCT_OPEN_DT from F_NCBS_MB_FIN_FLOW d inner join cntpty_acct c on d.acct_serno = c.acct_serno left join A_F_TX_FIN_CNTPTY a on a.seq_num=d.seq_num and d.data_dt='20230406'
where d.data_dt='20230406' and d.tran_dt <='20230406' and a.cntpty_acct_name = '张三' and a.cntpty_acct_num not in ( select acct_num from cust_acct union all select card_num from cust_acct where nvl(card_num,'')<>'' ) ) d order by d.acct_num, d.tran_tmsp desc ;