DUNE-DAQ / daq-release

Scripts and configuration files for the DUNE DAQ release
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Define proper `build` or `run` type for dependencies in DAQ packages' `package.py` #129

Open dingp opened 2 years ago

dingp commented 2 years ago

Defining proper run or build type of a dependency helps to minimize the number of packages loaded by spack. It also helps to get a precise set of packages needed for the running environment. This will help to produce a slimmer docker image for running, which will be very useful for Kubernetes.

To achieve this, we will need to go through all the depends_on calls in the release repo templates package.py files, and add dependency types to the depends_on call. The depends_on entries in umbrella packages' package.py files are generated from release YAML files. The YAML file will need to have an additional attribute (e.g. dependent_type) for each of the external dependency, and DAQ package.

Even if a dependency meets all the types of run, build, link, it helps to put type=('build', 'link', 'run')explicitly in the depends_on call.

Some examples:

In daq-release/spack-repos/externals/packages/devtools/package.py


will be replaced by

depends_on("cmake@3.21.4", type='build')

In daq-release/spack-repos/release-repo-template/packages/externals/package.py


will be replaced by

depends_on("devtools@XRELEASEX", type='build')

For the release YAML file, the changes will be like the following:

        - name: boost
          version: 1.73.0
          variant: "+context+container cxxstd=17"

will be changed into:

        - name: boost
          version: 1.73.0
          variant: "+context+container cxxstd=17"
          dependent_type: ['run', 'build', 'link']

Additionally, the make-release-repo.py script needs update to parse the dependent_type attribute, especially convert the python list into tuple since YAML does not support tuple type but list type only, and add them to the depends_on entries.

dingp commented 2 years ago

Changing the "target release" to v3.0.0 in the Projects for this issue.

This is an enhancement which is not critically needed at the first rollout of spack release.

dingp commented 2 years ago

py-moo is also only required for build. That will bring down the number of packages (especially those py-extension packages) in the loaded running environment.

jcfreeman2 commented 2 years ago

I agree that we should go over the package.pys for the individual DUNE-DAQ packages (appfwk, etc.) and make sure the dependencies are as lightweight as possible. However, I don't believe this is something that makes sense for the umbrella packages (dunedaq, etc.). E.g., what would it mean to say that cmake is a build-only dependency of devtools since devtools is based on BundlePackage, and by definition isn't something that has a concept of "building" or "linking"?

Having said that, obviously we'd want to distinguish the set of packages for dbt-setup-workarea vs. dbt-setup-release. Perhaps we could have a build variant - e.g., releaseonly - where we'd specify that devtools is not a dependency of externals in the case of externals +releaseonly, etc.

dingp commented 2 years ago

I didn't realize that BundlePackage does not have dependency types (which makes sense). In that case, defining different build variants for BundlePackage archives the same goal.

jcfreeman2 commented 2 years ago

Should daq-cmake be loaded in when someone runs dbt-setup-release? Right now the only reason this is necessary is because many packages which use Python to generate configurations use the following line to tell moo where to find schema files:

moo.io.default_load_path = get_moo_model_path()

where get_moo_model_path() is the one and only function in the dunedaq Python module in daq-cmake, a one liner which does this:

return [os.path.join(p, 'schema') for p in os.environ.get("DUNEDAQ_SHARE_PATH", "").split(':')]

It seems there are currently a few options: 1) Load in daq-cmake in dbt-setup-release, adding logic to its package.py so cmake and py-pybind11 don't also get loaded in 2) Drop daq-cmake as something people need for a release environment, sacrifice get_moo_model_path, and have developers just write the list comprehension themselves 3) Don't load in daq-cmake, but have dbt-setup-release add daq-cmake's python/ directory to the paths Python searches for modules

dingp commented 2 years ago

Or have a daq-cmake variant containing the python directory and no cmake, pybind11 dependency?

jcfreeman2 commented 2 years ago

That's (1) in my list, right? I've been working on giving dunedaq a dev variant, where if you install it with ~dev it leaves out the dependency on daq-cmake. What we could do is leave daq-cmake in but propagate the dev variant to it so it can leave out cmake and pybind11, e.g.:

depends_on("cmake", when="+dev")
alessandrothea commented 2 years ago

What about moving get_moo_model_path() somewhere else and completely drop daq-cmake?

jcfreeman2 commented 2 years ago

So the question then becomes, where should "somewhere else" be, when we're in a release (and not a development) environment?

Also on the topic of a release environment: doesn't it seem like the demo described in https://dune-daq-sw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/packages/daqconf/InstructionsForCasualUsers/ should work in a release environment? Right now it doesn't because the scripts expect the DBT_WORKAREA_ENV environment variable to be set.

jcfreeman2 commented 2 years ago

To describe where things stand on the johnfreeman/129_update_dependencies branch at this point:

dingp commented 2 years ago

Changing the target release to v3.1.0 since this will require longer testing time.

jcfreeman2 commented 1 year ago

Update since my post back in May:

jcfreeman2 commented 1 year ago

Also something potentially useful when thinking about how to wrap this up: I was incorrect in claiming on April 28th that a BundlePackage-based umbrella package can't have a type. Indeed it can, in the sense that, e.g., the build type should apply during spack install <umbrella package> and the run type should apply during spack load. So, another tool in our toolkit.

jcfreeman2 commented 1 year ago

We've arrived at a fairly straightforward place.

jcfreeman2 commented 9 months ago

See comment in https://github.com/DUNE-DAQ/daq-deliverables/issues/107 from a couple minutes ago for an update.