DUNE-DAQ / daq-release

Scripts and configuration files for the DUNE DAQ release
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Generate script with the release for quick loading of the running environment for DAQ application #167

Open dingp opened 2 years ago

dingp commented 2 years ago

This script is intended to be sourced in docker containers. It will have all the necessary ENV and bash functions (if any is needed) so that daq_application can be started without going through setup_dbt and dbt-setup-release, which may takes minutes in some case.

The first version of this script has been generated and deployed to cvmfs. However, it might be an overkill. It currently contains the outputs of declare -x (for all the exported ENVs) and declare -f (for all the bash functions) found after dbt-setup-release. The file is located at: <cvmfs_release_dir>/<release_name>/dbt-setup-release-env.sh.

The lines in the nightly CI workflow for generating the script is around here.

dingp commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/DUNE-DAQ/pocket/blob/thea/kind-1.20.0/images/daq_application/common/make_env_script.sh contains a list of ENVs needed by running daq-application.

In stead of capturing the whole bash environment after dbt-setup-release, capturing the ENVs as in make_env_script.sh might be good enough.