DUNE-DAQ / hsilibs

HSI related code.
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Updated the iceberg_real_hsi_test integtest... #45

Closed bieryAtFnal closed 3 months ago

bieryAtFnal commented 4 months ago

to take into account recent changes in config parameters.

For better or worse, these changes need to be tested on the iceberg03.fnal.gov computer, since they are ICEBERG specific....

bieryAtFnal commented 4 months ago

I should have said that these changes depend on trgdataformats PR 29, since they use one of the new ICEBERG TC types.

And to run any tests, one needs the trigger repo in the local dev area, along with hsilibs and trgdataformats.

bieryAtFnal commented 3 months ago

Here are updated instructions for reviewing this PR:

# log into iceberg03
# cd to a directory where you want to create a new software area

DATE_PREFIX=`date '+%d%b'`
TIME_SUFFIX=`date '+%H%M'`

source /cvmfs/dunedaq.opensciencegrid.org/setup_dunedaq.sh
setup_dbt fddaq-v4.4.3
dbt-create fddaq-v4.4.3-a9 ${DATE_PREFIX}FDv4.4.3_${TIME_SUFFIX}

cd ${DATE_PREFIX}FDv4.4.3_${TIME_SUFFIX}/sourcecode
git clone https://github.com/DUNE-DAQ/daqsystemtest.git -b fddaq-v4.4.3
git clone https://github.com/DUNE-DAQ/hsilibs.git -b kbiery/updates_to_iceberg_real_hsi_test
cd ..

dbt-build -j 20

mkdir rundir
cd rundir

echo '{"boot": { "use_connectivity_service": true, "start_connectivity_service": true, "connectivity_service_port": 13579 }, "timing_hardware_interface": { "host_thi": "iceberg03", "firmware_type": "pdii", "timing_hw_connections_file": "/home/dunecet/.biery/dunedaq/01JulFDv4.4.3_0853/sourcecode/daqsystemtest/config/timing_systems/connections.xml" }, "timing_master_controller": { "host_tmc": "iceberg03", "master_device_name": "BOREAS_TLU_ICEBERG" } }' >> iceberg_integtest_timing_config_input.json

daqconf_timing_gen --config ./iceberg_integtest_timing_config_input.json iceberg_integtest_timing_session_config
nanotimingrc --partition-number 4 iceberg_integtest_timing_session_config iceberg-integtest-timing-session boot conf wait 900 scrap terminate

Once those steps have completed and the 15-minute countdown has started, open a second terminal on iceberg03, cd to the directory of the new software area that you created, and then

source ./env.sh
cd sourcecode/hsilibs/integtest

pytest -s iceberg_real_hsi_test.py --nanorc-option partition-number 2

Hopefully, the pytest will complete successfully. If so, that validates the changes in this PR. And, you can <ctrl-c> in the first terminal window.