DUNE-DAQ / nanorc

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--ignore-run-registry-insertion-error #266

Closed PawelPlesniak closed 1 month ago

PawelPlesniak commented 1 month ago

Set to True for NanoRC testing Set to False for Nano04RC production https://github.com/DUNE-DAQ/nanorc/issues/221

TiagoTAlves commented 1 month ago
ERROR    Couldn't save the configuration so not starting a run!                                                                                                                                                       core.py:393

nanorc.cfgsvr: Connection to http://np04-srv-017.cern.ch:31115 wasn't successful: HTTPConnectionPool(host='np04-srv-017.cern.ch', port=31115): Max retries exceeded with url: /runregistry/insertRun/                   

 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f4a2c7392a0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))     

It skips over the error but still runs

TiagoTAlves commented 1 month ago