In testing minidaqapp PR 69 (configuration integration with DQM), I noticed that there are typically error messages in the RU logs after nanorc tests. Examples of these messages are included below.
When I set up these tests, I accept the default mdapp_multru_gen behavior of having readout "recording" behavior turned off. Here is the confgen command that I use:
It would be very helpful if there were no "ERROR" messages in the logs during normal running. One reason that I say that is because the integrationtest utility that we are starting to use has a nice "verify that there are no errors or warnings in the logs" feature, and it would be cool if successful runs could pass this test.
Here are the sample ERROR messages:
$ grep ERR log*
log_ruemu0_3335.txt:2021-Jul-26 14:33:45,599 ERROR [void dunedaq::readout::DefaultRequestHandlerModel<ReadoutType, LatencyBufferType>::init(const json&) [with ReadoutType = dunedaq::readout::types::WIB_SUPERCHUNK_STRUCT; LatencyBufferType = dunedaq::readout::FixedRateQueueModel<dunedaq::readout::types::WIB_SUPERCHUNK_STRUCT>; nlohmann::json = nlohmann::basic_json<>] at /home/biery/dunedaq/26JulWorkDir_N0725Base/sourcecode/readout/include/readout/models/DefaultRequestHandlerModel.hpp:83] The raw_recording queue was not successfully created. Readout Configuration Error: DefaultRequestHandlerModel
log_ruemu0_3335.txt: was caused by: 2021-Jul-26 14:33:45,599 ERROR [dunedaq::appfwk::IndexedQueueInfos_t dunedaq::appfwk::queue_index(const json&, std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >) at /scratch/dev/sourcecode/appfwk/src/DAQModuleHelper.cpp:27] Schema error: missing queue: raw_recording
log_ruemu0_3335.txt:2021-Jul-26 14:33:45,600 ERROR [void dunedaq::readout::DefaultRequestHandlerModel<ReadoutType, LatencyBufferType>::init(const json&) [with ReadoutType = dunedaq::readout::types::WIB_SUPERCHUNK_STRUCT; LatencyBufferType = dunedaq::readout::FixedRateQueueModel<dunedaq::readout::types::WIB_SUPERCHUNK_STRUCT>; nlohmann::json = nlohmann::basic_json<>] at /home/biery/dunedaq/26JulWorkDir_N0725Base/sourcecode/readout/include/readout/models/DefaultRequestHandlerModel.hpp:83] The raw_recording queue was not successfully created. Readout Configuration Error: DefaultRequestHandlerModel
log_ruemu0_3335.txt: was caused by: 2021-Jul-26 14:33:45,600 ERROR [dunedaq::appfwk::IndexedQueueInfos_t dunedaq::appfwk::queue_index(const json&, std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >) at /scratch/dev/sourcecode/appfwk/src/DAQModuleHelper.cpp:27] Schema error: missing queue: raw_recording
In testing minidaqapp PR 69 (configuration integration with DQM), I noticed that there are typically error messages in the RU logs after nanorc tests. Examples of these messages are included below.
When I set up these tests, I accept the default mdapp_multru_gen behavior of having readout "recording" behavior turned off. Here is the confgen command that I use:
It would be very helpful if there were no "ERROR" messages in the logs during normal running. One reason that I say that is because the integrationtest utility that we are starting to use has a nice "verify that there are no errors or warnings in the logs" feature, and it would be cool if successful runs could pass this test.
Here are the sample ERROR messages:
Thanks for considering this, Kurt