Open bieryAtFnal opened 1 year ago
On the dunedaq-integration Slack channel, Michal Rigan posted the following:
Dunno if this is known, but I'm doing some offline development and I often get this error from ru: 2023-Sep-05 11:54:52,995 LOG [void dunedaq::fdreadoutlibs::WIBEthFrameProcessor::sequence_check(frameptr) at /tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-fdreadoutlibs-NFD23-09-04-4ijcp6hukfsdxe3iagfnnr4y67lca35u/spack-src/src/wibeth/WIBEthFrameProcessor.cpp:393] Data Integrity ERROR Sequence ID continuity is completely broken! Something is wrong with the FE source or with the configuration! (running dev, FD, use_recent_verified_dunedaq_code, very basic config, close to the one from the instructions page, including "default_data_file": "asset://?label=WIBEth&subsystem=readout") (edited)
There are at least three different types of "error" messages that we occasionally see in the RU logfiles. It is hard to know whether these are really errors that a user should be worried about. And in some cases, it is not clear why the message is not being reported with an error status. I've seen these errors when using emulated-data systems.
It would be great to understand what these errors mean and, if needed, change their reporting appropriately.
2023-Aug-16 13:13:39,318 WARNING [void dunedaq::readoutlibs::FileSourceBuffer::read(const std::string&) at /home/biery/dunedaq/15AugFDDevLogFileChecks/sourcecode/readoutlibs/include/readoutlibs/utils/FileSourceBuffer.hpp:73] Configuration Error: Binary file contains more data than expected, filesize is 237336, chunk_size is 7200, filename is /cvmfs/
2023-Aug-16 13:13:39,515 LOG [void dunedaq::readoutlibs::FrameErrorRegistry::add_error(std::string, ErrorInterval) at /home/biery/dunedaq/15AugFDDevLogFileChecks/sourcecode/readoutlibs/include/readoutlibs/FrameErrorRegistry.hpp:47] Encountered new error
log_rulocalhosteth0_3336.txt:2023-Aug-15 10:24:30,867 LOG [void dunedaq::fdreadoutlibs::WIBEthFrameProcessor::sequence_check(frameptr) at /tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-fdreadoutlibs-v1.7.3-wlxygdqw64irgdiurmgtoiemip53mzpm/spack-src/src/wibeth/WIBEthFrameProcessor.cpp:393] *** Data Integrity ERROR *** Sequence ID continuity is completely broken! Something is wrong with the FE source or with the configuration!
The first one has been discussed before, so maybe we just need to implement a known change.
I filed an incremental PR for the second one, in which I added more information about the type of error. It is easy to reproduce with certain WIBEth asset files and the minimal_system_quick_test.
I noticed the third one when testing a software area based on v4.1.1.