DUNE / dist-comp

Action items for DUNE distributed computing, and common scripts that are used.
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Liverpool htcondor-ce host needs to be fixed in the factory #46

Closed StevenCTimm closed 1 year ago

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

ST filed factory ticket https://support.opensciencegrid.org/support/tickets/72492

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

ST filed factory ticket https://support.opensciencegrid.org/support/tickets/72492

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

They first misconfigured it to be an ARC site now they have changed that but now are getting an authentication issue

[1] 000 (9478354.000.000) 2023-03-30 07:55:33 Job submitted from host: <> ... 012 (9478354.000.000) 2023-03-30 07:56:40 Job was held. Error connecting to schedd hepgrid6.ph.liv.ac.uk: AUTHENTICATE:1003:Failed to authenticate with any method Code 0 Subcode 0

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

From Rob Fay, site contact

Hi Steven,

I think this is following on from the DUNE ticket earlier in the year regarding tests failing on hepgrid2 and hepgrid5, in which I did say that hepgrid2 doesn't exist and we have two CEs, ARC-CE on hepgrid5 and HTCondor-CE on hepgrid6.

However, HTCondor-CE on hepgrid6 is not currently configured to accept tokens. It's due to be retired or replaced, but this is delayed due to being short staffed here.

Consequently, I would recommend using hepgrid5 only at this time if tokens are required.


Rob fay@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

Responded to the OSG ticket suggesting that we focus only on hepgrid5

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

osg factory has disabled hepgrid6. Closing this ticket.