DUNE / dist-comp

Action items for DUNE distributed computing, and common scripts that are used.
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CERN sites not mapping DUNE's token #59

Closed StevenCTimm closed 1 year ago

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

all of the ce5xx.cern.ch machines were giving an error

CMSHTPC_T2_CH_CERN_ce504 condor ce504.cern.ch ce504.cern.ch:9619 5 Error connecting to schedd ce504.cern.ch: AUTHENTICATE:1003:Failed to authentica\te with any method|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using SCITOKENS

I queried Ben Jones of CERN via e-mail, he made a change on a few of them, it has not yet propagated to all of them. These sites are still all being used through vocms0207.cern.ch which can still send proxies to them.

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

There are now glideins from gfactory-2.opensciencegrid.org running with tokens on all of these. Closing.