DUNE / dist-comp

Action items for DUNE distributed computing, and common scripts that are used.
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Job submission failing to CA_Victoria #60

Closed StevenCTimm closed 1 year ago

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

DUNE_CA_Victoria_dune-condor_whole condor dune-condor.heprc.uvic.ca dune-condor.heprc.uvic.ca:9618 5 Error connecting to schedd dune-condor.heprc.uvic.ca: SECMAN:2007:Failed to received post-auth ClassAd 7556410 0 schedd_glideins3@vocms0207.cern.ch#7556410.0#1681502589

That's been happening for 14 days. GGUS ticket https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=161561&come_from=submit

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

Victoria got back to us. It appears they had the wrong DN in their mapfile and they say they have fixed.. but thus far no Justin jobs have run there since that time.

StevenCTimm commented 1 year ago

Working now.. Closing this. Although this is a cert-based site and we will have to do this all again for tokens.