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DUNE ND Temporary Muon Spectrometer
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Weird track length behavior NERSC files #113

Open AsaNehm opened 2 months ago

AsaNehm commented 2 months ago

The performance plots for the track momentum/length reconstruction show a weird behavior Reco_tracklength_full

AsaNehm commented 2 months ago

Having a closer look at the iterations for calculating the track length reveals this Screenshot_2024-05-15_16-36-31 Screenshot_2024-05-15_16-36-54 All entries after this event have track length 0 in all iterations. In reconstruction and truth!!!

AsaNehm commented 2 months ago

(full output file at /exp/dune/app/users/pnehm/output_UV_NERSC.txt)

AsaNehm commented 2 months ago

Checking for the truth for each iteration first if both hits are inside TMS (TMS_Geom::IsInsideTMS) seems to help Reco_tracklength

jdkio commented 2 months ago

One thing I found is that the geometry gets corrupted somehow if it tries to measure a position far from the TMS. When that happens, all future calls are broken. This seems to be what's happening here. I fixed it by limiting the z in the world

The reason this happens with the nersc files specifically is because they have rock muons. The rock muons are more likely to reach this boundary where the corruption occurs

AsaNehm commented 2 months ago

Still a smaller 0 bin for the truth remains...

AsaNehm commented 2 months ago

For the full first NERSC samples 610 truth events have a density-weighted track length of exactly 0. There are definitely also a non-negligible number of events where the reconstruction gets a considerable density-weighted track length while the truth stays at 0. This seems to me like there is something bad going on with the truth Track length [mm] vs density-weighted track length [g/cm^2] for reco (cut off at 6500mm) TrackLength_Density and truth (cut off at 6500mm) TrackLength_Density_truth