I was surprised to find that the longest times were the Managers rather than Reco and Event. They use a lot of toml templates so maybe that makes sense
Here's a list of some of the stats. The rest were < 3s
Compiling TMS_Event.cpp
real 0m5.829s
Compiling TMS_Reco.cpp
real 0m7.738s
Compiling TMS_Kalman.cpp
real 0m3.233s
Compiling TMS_TreeWriter.cpp
real 0m5.795s
Compiling TMS_Manager.cpp
real 0m14.518s
Compiling TMS_Readout_Manager.cpp
real 0m13.840s
Can measure compile times by replacing the compile code in the Makefile and then doing
make -j1
to compile one at a timeI was surprised to find that the longest times were the Managers rather than Reco and Event. They use a lot of toml templates so maybe that makes sense
Here's a list of some of the stats. The rest were < 3s