This branch does not disturb the fit or any lower level tools that would brake the LBL fit. Most of the commits are relocation or rearrangement of pre-existent functions and clean ups. A couple of scripts were added for 1D oscillation probability and biprobability plots.
I've tested that the TDR sensitivities are reproducible, specifically for the sensitivity to delta CP and mass hierarchy with a 15 year run, up to what's doable in the current master version, i.e. no ND. CalcsNuFit has the default calculators for the TDR and it does not depend on Calcs.h, which has been slightly edited to pick up the 2019 PDG values. Therefore, the changes to ResetOscCalcToDefault do not affect it.
This branch does not disturb the fit or any lower level tools that would brake the LBL fit. Most of the commits are relocation or rearrangement of pre-existent functions and clean ups. A couple of scripts were added for 1D oscillation probability and biprobability plots.
I've tested that the TDR sensitivities are reproducible, specifically for the sensitivity to delta CP and mass hierarchy with a 15 year run, up to what's doable in the current master version, i.e. no ND. CalcsNuFit has the default calculators for the TDR and it does not depend on Calcs.h, which has been slightly edited to pick up the 2019 PDG values. Therefore, the changes to ResetOscCalcToDefault do not affect it.