DWilliames / google-sheets-sync-figma

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Fetching images #168

Open volandimon opened 1 year ago

volandimon commented 1 year ago

Hello! Got a bug today. Images do not stand up, error messages appear instead. Tried with different tables, it doesn't work. Tables are open. image

iamravitej commented 1 year ago

Hello. I've a similar problem. Images from Google Drive gets fetched sometimes and sometimes not. Permissions are set for public access. Any resolution for this?

squaredvision commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. Anybody get a fix on this?

tsekiguchi commented 1 year ago

Exact same problem here.

jackmates commented 10 months ago

same problem

pentaquark1616 commented 10 months ago

Same problem tried multiple times. Can we install older version of this plugin in Figma? Anyone knows how to do that!