DWilliames / google-sheets-sync-figma

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Sheets Organization #186

Open anaxxavierr opened 10 months ago

anaxxavierr commented 10 months ago

Hello David :) My name is Ana and i'm working with the social media team in a Portuguese newspaper.

I discovered your google sheets sync plugin and we've been using it for a few weeks and it has been very helpful. But we found a bug. I hope you can help us.

Describe the bug For our work we want to organize the google sheets in a specific way, doing it our way the pluging doesn’t work in figma.

We have different pages on google sheets (one per day) plus one which is the base sheet that we copy every day to start a new day. Our problem is in the organization of the sheets, we would like to keep the base sheet always on the left and add the others on the right.

We discovered that if we want to make a material with one of the sheets on the right, a bug happens and we can't do it, the plugin won't fetch the right information.

However, if we place the sheet on the left/in the first place, the plugin works. Our question is whether we can use plugging with the different sheets and not just with the one on the left?

This would improve our work to maintain coherence with other files and if we need to use a rightmost sheet we don't need to move it to be leftmost.

To Reproduce


Expected behavior We expect that we can use any sheet, no matter how many we have and where they are, with the plugging fetching the right info that we need.

Additional context We are testing different ways to make our work more effective. The plugin has been essential for us to be able to make more posts faster, ensuring consistency and history of info in the sheets.

We already tried to solve the problem with the explanation on the documentation and with the rules that are available but we couldn't :(

Can you help? Thank you very much for your attention! We are available to answer any further questions. Ana Xavier

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