DWilliames / paddy-sketch-plugin

Automated padding, spacing and alignment for your Sketch layers
MIT License
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Paddy doesn't handle updating Sketch version well #88

Open dannylodesigns opened 6 years ago

dannylodesigns commented 6 years ago

Bug report

Expected behavior: For paddy to resize layers that have attributes applied to them (Ex: [5 20]) automatically upon clicking outside a modified group or symbol.

Actual behavior:

Nothing Happens. The only way to get paddy to work, is by manually re-enterring the same padding for selection in the dropdown menu after you've made the changes or overrides.

Steps to reproduce:

Downgrading to 49.0 seems to finally fix this issue, even with 1.0.7 installed, so I'm not sure if it's on their end or not. Just wanted to give a heads up.

dv8withn8 commented 6 years ago

Using 49.1 here and cannot reproduce. Plugin is working as expected.

mathiasadam commented 6 years ago

I have the same bug here. Paddy seems not working since 49.1

Theo-Schusterjunge commented 6 years ago

Same here :( (Also in 49.1) Other features like aligning grouped elements ([l], [c], etc.) don't seem to work either.

andy-88 commented 6 years ago

I'm also having the same issue. Paddy no longer seems to automatically update my pre-created symbols with attributes applied to them. As mentioned above the only way to correct the issue is by going into the plugin and manually re-entering the padding values.

matt7621 commented 6 years ago

Same! 49.1 and only changes from menu not by changing layer name.

tim-ruby commented 6 years ago

Same Issue for the most part. With a button instance (background shape and text element) I am able to run through the normal process and can modify the text within that group and see it auto update when clicking out of the instance.

When I try to create a card instance (text, button and background shape) and apply padding values it applies, but then does not auto-when clicking outside of the grouped items after a content change. Selecting Paddy from the Plugins menu and applying values again works.

My keyboard shortcut is also pulling up the color picker, even though I manually set this shortcut in Keyboard/Shortcuts.

akalt commented 6 years ago

I had the same problem with Paddy 1.0.7 not working on 49.1; just uninstalled the plugin, closed Sketch, started Sketch, installed the plugin, and everything seems to work now.

Theo-Schusterjunge commented 6 years ago

@akalt Done that twice now, with no improvements in my case :/

mprewitt commented 6 years ago

Oddly, I had the same problem after upgrading to 49.2. Disabling Paddy, restarting Sketch, and enabling Paddy seems to have fixed it. Appears Paddy doesn't handle updates well?

Maddie333 commented 6 years ago

Same problem with Paddy working on Sketch 49.1 unfortunately this is the exact time I decided to learning how Paddy works. It also doesn't seem to be working with nested symbols (although tutorials say otherwise)- unclear to me if that is a more recent issue of if it hasn't worked that way in a while.

thekevbot commented 6 years ago

Had the same issue as mprewitt, and uninstalling, restarting sketch, and reinstalling did the trick for me as well.

DWilliames commented 6 years ago

Thanks all! This seems quite weird. I'll need to investigate how Paddy handles updates a little better.

@Maddie333 I hope Paddy works for you, but just to clarify; Paddy doesn't support nested symbols right now. Just curious, which tutorials are saying that it does support nested symbols?

Theo-Schusterjunge commented 6 years ago

Just for the sake of completeness: While deleting and reinstalling the plugin didn't help in my case (neither in 49.1 nor in 49.2), suddenly everything appears do behave just as expected, without any apparent system changes (no updates from Sketch or Paddy or Mac that I'd know of). I'm confused, but happy!

DWilliames commented 6 years ago

@Theo-Schusterjunge it is very weird. I actually think it's an issue with Sketch caching the plugin or something. So the selctionChanged handler is being called correctly. 🤔 Not sure what I can do to help it. But in the meantime I'm working on a complete re-write of Paddy that I think will fix this along with heaps of other issues :)

Theo-Schusterjunge commented 6 years ago

Very cool! Thanks a lot for your effort @DWilliames!

jotasolano commented 6 years ago

Can confirm this issue on Sketch 51.1 and Paddy 1.0.7. In my case is a button with an icon (background, icon and text).