User Story
As a power user I want to be able to call contracts not on the rich contract list but without needing the knowledge of encoding raw transactions.
We see nice implementations of this in safe and tenderly
Inputs contract address
Research what options we have to search for ABIs and which ones play nice with CORS (e.g. sourcify, etherscan)
We find a matching ABI for that address on the given network
We build an input from the decoded ABI in a similar way as rich contract actions but with more raw inputs that requires wei inputs etc
We do have an implementation that checks sourcify for abis but probably need to check it is working and if not fix it. The decoding step should just be an extra step for if we don't find a matching rich contract and then the resolved ABI from an API gets passed along in a similar way a rich contract match would just without extra data.
User Story As a power user I want to be able to call contracts not on the rich contract list but without needing the knowledge of encoding raw transactions.
We see nice implementations of this in safe and tenderly Steps:
We do have an implementation that checks sourcify for abis but probably need to check it is working and if not fix it. The decoding step should just be an extra step for if we don't find a matching rich contract and then the resolved ABI from an API gets passed along in a similar way a rich contract match would just without extra data.