DYefremov / DemonEditor

Enigma2 channel and satellite list editor for GNU/Linux and macOS.
MIT License
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EPG configuration (IPTV Channels). #189

Open marcus83ita opened 7 months ago

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago


When I insert the xml links I always get this error, are there any solutions? Thank you!


epg link xml error demoneditor

DYefremov commented 7 months ago

Hi, Firstly link directly on *.xml file will not work. By default, the file must be compressed (".gz", ".xz", ".lzma" are supported). Of course, we can add support for uncompressed *.xml. There is no big problem.

As for the SSL error, there may be different variants. It depends from OS. What OS (version) are you using? And also the version (build) of the program.

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago


I also tried with *.gz, (http://www.teleguide.info/download/new3/xmltv.xml.gz) it tells me file not supported...see the screenshot:

ScreenShot-OSX 2023-11-13 alle 14 34 47

I use macOS Big Sur

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

also *.xz:

file not supported...

i use 3.8.0 Beta version but also with 3.7.0 the same problem...

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

I also tried with Windows 11, same problem here too

DYefremov commented 7 months ago

This feature still very experimental, but.. I made quick test: BigSur

Unfortunately I can only guess. There might be something wrong with your internet connection. E.g., you are using a VPN.

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

I say IPTV channels. can you try there? i don't use a VPN

DYefremov commented 7 months ago

Depending your screenshots, you have a problem with file download, and not with displaying EPGs. It doesn't matter what channel type. iptv-test

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

yes, that's how it works, but I did it like this, look at the photo, can you try if it works for you?

ScreenShot-OSX 2023-11-13 alle 17 02 53

DYefremov commented 7 months ago

but I did it like this, look at the photo

This is a completely different feature that has nothing to do with what is being discussed here. Serves to assign references of sat channels to their IPTV analogues. E.g. Here's a little discussion for this feature.

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

ok thanks man I follow that post, thanks anyway for the support! have a I wish you a good day/evening!

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

hi! in the next update add the uncompressed xml EPG link, it would be better because there are more sources. thx!

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

I tried to load the EPGs with DemonEditor but it doesn't load them... I transfer to the receiver but it doesn't load them, I also removed EPGimport the same thing, Is there any step to send EPGs with the software?

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

I don't understand why it gives me an error in the EPG channels, while in satellite channels the link loads it normally...


DYefremov commented 7 months ago

Hi, Unfortunately, you apparently did not read my previous answer carefully. This tool used to assign references to channels, not for downloading EPG. The format of the *xml file there is completely different and serves other purposes. I recommend using the search. I think it will become clearer.

Is there any step to send EPGs with the software?

No. The current function discussed above serves to test EPG sources before using them for example in the EPGimport plugin. Useful for finding the best fit for your bouquets. In addition, some users use this program to watch TV on a PC. And EPG display sometimes is very useful. I was thinking about a separate extension for updating the EPG in the receiver in the form of a separate extension for this program, but there is no time for this yet.

in the next update add the uncompressed xml EPG link

Ok. I'll add it either in this or the next version.

marcus83ita commented 7 months ago

Is there any step to send EPGs with the software?

No. The current function discussed above serves to test EPG sources before using them for example in the EPGimport plugin. Useful for finding the best fit for your bouquets. In addition, some users use this program to watch TV on a PC. And EPG display sometimes is very useful. I was thinking about a separate extension for updating the EPG in the receiver in the form of a separate extension for this program, but there is no time for this yet.

now I understand perfectly, I hope in the future the option to directly load the EPGs from the software will be integrated, thanks again my friend!!

DYefremov commented 4 months ago

FYI. As promised, I made a small extension for exporting EPG from XMLTV. If necessary, can be discussed here.

marcus83ita commented 4 months ago

Was this extension put in version 3.0.9? i use macOS

ScreenShot-OSX 2024-02-15 alle 14 59 15

DYefremov commented 4 months ago


use macOS

As described here and also seen from your screenshot, this extension requires program version 3.9.0 and higher. For macOS users (if you are using a ready-made build), the Alpha version will be soon available. Just stay tuned to the releases page for updates. If time permits, I will post it in the coming days.

marcus83ita commented 4 months ago

thanks bro! I'm waiting for the macOS version

marcus83ita commented 4 months ago

it loads the xmltv file perfectly to the box, but why doesn't it recognize the IPTV ones? look the screenshot

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DYefremov commented 4 months ago

it loads the xmltv file perfectly to the box, but why doesn't it recognize the IPTV ones?

Unfortunately, you apparently still donโ€™t understand what this dialog/tool is used for. :( Ok... This dialog serves for convenient assignment of satellite channel references (sid, nid, tid, namespace values) to IPTV channels of the selected bouquet. On the left, you load a list of current satellite channels from which you, by dragging (or copy/past) to the selected IPTV service, assign the value of the satellite channel reference to the channel(s) to which you dragged (pasted). Additionally, there are features that simplify and speed up this process. For example, filtering and auto-selection. Additionally, it is possible to show only the list of channels for which there is a program in the EPG cache (epd.dat file). Why do you need the entire list, for example, of 5 thousand channels, if you donโ€™t have a program for them. t is this function that you activated, according to your screenshot. By assigning links in this way, you donโ€™t have to worry about obtaining a program for your IPTV services using additional tools, but use the one received from the satellite(s).

If you want to use third-party XMLTV sources and create an EPG cache yourself, then you can use additional tools. E.g. The EPG Import plugin. In addition, if you want to use this program and do not want to use plugins for Enigma2, then from version 3.9.0 it will be possible to create and load a cache file (epg.dat) from this program via additional extension. Here you can find Quick HowTo and discuss possible problems or suggestions.

marcus83ita commented 4 months ago

yes, sorry, I didn't understand completely... now yes, but I'm looking for how to load EPGs into IPTV channels, but it seems impossible :(

DYefremov commented 4 months ago

but it seems impossible

Not at all. It's possible! If you use free sources of playlists and EPGs, then very often you need to "make friends" these 2 things.

The most common problem that I have encountered is that the names (IDs) of the services in your playlist and the *.xml file of the EPG source do not match. I did a small test for 1 channel (Rai 1) for this sources:



In my case, I needed just rename channel name correctly in the favorites list. Perhaps it makes sense to think about an additional tool that allows at least partially automate this process. In addition, there is an option to "tweak" it a little in the program itself. :)

marcus83ita commented 4 months ago

you have to rename the channels manually, it's too stressful, I hope you will be able to implement this function automatically in the future. thanks friend!

DYefremov commented 3 months ago

Made small discussion cleanup.