DZD-eV-Diabetes-Research / DZDMedLog

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Feature: Provide study-events per proband endpoints #24

Open motey opened 1 month ago

motey commented 1 month ago

Hey @JTaeger and @lamuc i am just looking at the API design and trying to find a better solution that represents our goal ( of having the proband at the root which does have an interview at a specific event) better then the current solution. While thinking i actually dont see a problem with the current design :)

A study has a fixed list of Events which we can manage with the event chapter of the API: grafik

A patient now can have a interview in any of these events: grafik

So what is wrong with the api/data-model? It is just a matter of presentation in the GUI! The user need to select the event while starting a new interview with a proband. Prove me wrong! :)

motey commented 1 month ago

As discussed in a meeting, we need an endpoint that returns all events on a proband level. We need to know if a proband has allready one or more interviews in a event. Also we need events to rankable.

motey commented 1 month ago

All mandatory backend changes are implemented in (Luckily without the need of a major refactor 😅)

New backend/API features:

motey commented 1 month ago

@JTaeger this is yours now. Lets discuss/test/merge that when you are back in town.

Update: Merged it allready in python/rewrite for the sake of