DZD-eV-Diabetes-Research / DZDMedLog

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Feature: Users should be able to create and add custom drugs at for interview-intake #25

Open motey opened 1 month ago

motey commented 1 month ago

At the moment, when a drug is not included in the Arzneimittelindex, there is no way of including it in an interview as intake. This can happen if a drug is very new on the market. We need endpoints and a UI for this.

Basic Requierments:

Nice2Have/Advanced features

motey commented 1 month ago

Backend implementation happens in this branch

motey commented 1 month ago


New endpoints: POST - /drug/user-custom Create a custom drug GET - /drug/user-custom/my List the current user custom drugs GET - /drug/user-custom/{custom_drug_id} Get a custiom drug by its id

Changes in datamodel: Intake has now a new field custom_drug_id which can be alternatively filled out with a custom drug id, when there is not PZN available.

(As of 29.05 this is all still only in the feat-customdrugs branch