DaCyclops / GDIW

Factorio Mod : GDIW - Gah!DarnItWater! A Factorio mod for those people who keep getting annoyed at water....
MIT License
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Update of Py breaking GDIW #18

Closed DrKilledalot closed 5 years ago

DrKilledalot commented 6 years ago

updatet Py`s mods today, next startup (besides getting a similar error with creative mode fix) iam getting this put out grafik

OvermindDL1 commented 6 years ago

Same issue.

OvermindDL1 commented 6 years ago

Although I don't think it's the fault of this mod specifically, but the engine accepts the other mod's broken ingredients so the mod should too...

OvermindDL1 commented 6 years ago

I seemed to have fixed it locally by adding this at line 71:

  local ingredients = {}
  for I = 1, #vrn.ingredients do
    if vrn.ingredients[I] then
      table.insert(ingredients, vrn.ingredients[I])

And changing the set on line 130 (now 136/137 with the above change) to be this (wrapped it in an if check):

          if rawResults ~= nil then
            if rawResult.icon then
            elseif rawResult.icons then
              newicons = util.table.deepcopy(rawResult.icons)
            if #newicons > 0 then break end
ghost commented 6 years ago

could you post the changes with the surrounding code?, i can't seem to get the fix working

DrKilledalot commented 6 years ago

Well from what i understand , this is py`s fault because it specifies less usable slots for a machine then the machine can actully process in some of its recipes (for example crude oil desulfuring with salt) , this also causes FNEI to not display these kind of recipes

DrKilledalot commented 6 years ago

@Deluxeinator Well I found that the last endpoint to close the function is missing to fix this just write the word "end" at the bottom of the file

OvermindDL1 commented 6 years ago

Do you still need a patch for the code changes? I can make one if needed? :-)

mcdonnellj commented 6 years ago

I'd be very grateful to see a patch up on the mod site!

OvermindDL1 commented 6 years ago

Here's my fixed one for now, I will not upload it to the portal (nor should anyone else) but it's available here to use.


bigyihsuan commented 6 years ago

I've been getting the same issue. Some more info: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/GDIW/discussion/5b36a8271d07c50009e75694

@OvermindDL1 you should make a pull request with the new code.

DaCyclops commented 5 years ago

Changes merged in, with adjustments due to updated code.

Should be live in 0.16.3 and 0.17.2