DaCyclops / GDIW

Factorio Mod : GDIW - Gah!DarnItWater! A Factorio mod for those people who keep getting annoyed at water....
MIT License
3 stars 5 forks source link

0.16 - global index nil error; appears to be Angel's PetroChem #28

Open IceMaverick opened 5 years ago

IceMaverick commented 5 years ago


Sorry to make an issue for 0.16 when you've already gone and posted a 0.17 version. Probably means that I won't be able to find any help for this particular issue, but if nothing else, I'd appreciate some help diagnosing who the problem child is in my modlist so I can see why it's having an issue with GDIW so I can at least kill that mod from my 0.16 list. (turns out you're a hero and you're updating both versions of GDIW simultaneously, I'm just blind)

GDIW 0.16.5 fails to load properly when the rest of my modlist is enabled. It throws the following error:

Failed to load mods: __GDIW__/data-final-fixes.lua:194:attempt to index global 'vrr' (a nil value)

One thing that may be worth noting: in the in-game Mods list, GDIW has optional dependencies listed, one of which is Angel's PetroChem. It's oranged-out stating that it's optional and not loaded, but it's clear from the top of the modlist that it's definitely loaded in my load order.

Edit: So, disabling Angel's PetroChem and the other mods in my list that breakdown as a result of missing it, seems to appease GDIW. Those mods are as follows:

Angel's PetroChem Angel's Smelting Angel's Industries Angel's Bio Processing Angel's Addons - Pressure Tanks Angel's Addons - Petrochem Train Madclown01's AngelBob Nuclear Madclown01's Extended AngelBob Minerals Madclown01's Processing Madclown01's Science

In fact, disabling everything that depends on PetroChem and simply just enabling Petrochem seems to be enough to throw the error from GDIW. I'm using PetroChem 0.7.12, which is the latest version for Factorio 0.16

Edit 2: Additional development. I reverted GDIW to version 16.2 as it was the most downloaded version compatible with the current Factorio build and it loads perfectly fine without any issues. So apparently whatever is causing problems with Angel's PetroChem was introduced sometime between 16.2 and 16.5.