DaHoC / trainHOG

Example program showing how to train your custom HOG detector using openCV
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MinGW under Windows #15

Open andreyserenkov opened 7 years ago

andreyserenkov commented 7 years ago

For those who is trying to compile under Windows using MinGW (I have Windows 10 64bit): make compile.bat file in trainHOG folder and put next: @echo off set opencv_incdir=C:/OpenCV/OpenCV32/build/include set svmlight_srcdir=C:/Projects/tests/svm_light pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs >tmp.txt set /p pkg-info= <tmp.txt del tmp.txt rem echo %pkg-info% g++ main.cpp -c -g -MMD -MP -I %opencv_incdir% -I %svmlight_srcdir% gcc %svmlight_srcdir%/svm_learn.c -c -g gcc %svmlight_srcdir%/svm_hideo.c -c -g gcc %svmlight_srcdir%/svm_common.c -c -g g++ -o trainhog.exe main.o svm_learn.o svm_hideo.o svm_common.o -Wall %pkg-info%

Change opencv_incdir, svmlight_srcdir to your correct pathes