DaVikingCode / Citrus-Engine

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Just a thought / Concern with "inverted" property calculation in StarlingArt.as #274

Open Snky opened 8 years ago

Snky commented 8 years ago

Hello, I'm not sure if I'm entirely correct with this, but, I do not use this property personally, and I've actually never had this issue before that I'm about to mention:

After the HandleArtReady is called on a APhysicsObject or CitrusSprite, if I wanted a flipped image, I would just write: sa.scaleX = -1 ( sa being a reference to the StarlingArt instance of that object )

So now inside StarlingArt.as, in the update loop, there is:

        if (_citrusObject.inverted) {

            if (scaleX > 0)
                scaleX = -scaleX;

        } else {

            if (scaleX < 0)
                scaleX = -scaleX;

In my scenario, "inverted" is "false", so in the normal StarlingArt loop, it's running the code in the bottom section, and flipping it back from my -1 to +1, so by default, without using inverted it is impossible to set a negative value, without this "inverted" property ( unless you flip the Starling Image directly via say, ( view as image ).scaleX = -1 ).

Shouldn't the "inverted" property just have a "setter" function, that flips it on demand rather than having constant code running in the StarlingArt.as update function?

alamboley commented 8 years ago

Hey, yes using a setter make totally sense! Will update that next week, thanks for the report ;)