DaVikingCode / Citrus-Engine

Modern AS3 Game Engine
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AnimationSequence's bugs #281

Closed Jacowaco closed 8 years ago

Jacowaco commented 8 years ago

First, I found an error, in AnimationSequence, you have to replace _mcSequences[animation].smoothing for _mcSequences[animation].textureSmoothing Or it gives an error as the smoothing parameter no longer exists.

Seconds, in my game i use the onAnimationComplete feature to change between animations. It has always worked well in previous CE versions. But now, there is a (seemingly random) chance that the function you assign to onAnimation complete isn't fired when the animation ends. I haven't found why or when it happens, it is pretty random, most of the time it works well and then it happens and my animation gets stuck in the last frame of the playing animation. I noticed you changed the original Signal class to a new Signal1 class, so i guess the problem is there.

alamboley commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I corrected to textureSmoothing.

Wow if the new Signal lib doesn't work correctly, that's a serious issue! Could you add a trace to the _animationComplete method, to be sure the method is called? It could be a bug on Starling's MovieClip.

Jacowaco commented 8 years ago

So i put a trace() inside the "private function _animationComplete(evt:Event):void" of the AnimationSequence class and the trace didn't appear when the bug ocurred. I think it has to do with the new Signal1 class that is being used instead of the old Signal class.

alamboley commented 8 years ago

Well if your tracein the _animationCompletemethod isn't called, the issue doesn't come from the new Signal lib, but from Starling's MovieClip!

Jacowaco commented 8 years ago

Oh, you are right. What can you recommend me to do?

alamboley commented 8 years ago

Well I recommend to make a simple small case to reproduce & rise a Starling issue.