DaVikingCode / Citrus-Engine

Modern AS3 Game Engine
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SpriteArt/StarlingArt dragonBones code #307

Open gsynuh opened 7 years ago

gsynuh commented 7 years ago

find a way to get rid of dragonbones dependent code in these classes. enable custom *Art classes to be used? anything that is ICitrusArt.

(otherwise CE needs to always be up to date with dragonBones. Sure we should update the current version of StarlingArt/SpriteArt but then it should be a seperate "extension" *art )

IvanChen008 commented 7 years ago

找到一个方法删除这些类中的Dragonbones 的依赖代码,是否可以启用定制的 Art 这些类来用? 所有的类都来自ICitrusArt接口。 (否则CE需要不停地更新Dragonbones。我们当然应该更新当前版本的StarlingArt/SpriteArt,但是将来他应该是独立的扩展 Art)

gsynuh commented 7 years ago

edit: CE can set the armature display to not advanceTime by itself , and StarlingArt can advanceTime manually so DB is synchronised with CE for each Scene (not using a global clock that cannot be paused)