Closed telostia closed 9 years ago
it would seem that that the artemis-odb processor was causing this problem. originally when first tried to build this project, the error it caused was that net.onedaybeard.artemis:artemis-odb-gradle-plugin:0.9.1-SNAPSHOT was not found the provided repositories. so i removed mavenLocal() and added the following
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
I would imagine the 0.9.1-snapshot that you have on your system is more stable perhaps? desktop and gwt works fine but only android does not run. have you tried building the android yourself? cheers. It would be very helpful if you could fix this problem as this project seems interesting that I want to build my game on it. In the meantime I'm just going to use the basic artemis odb 0.9.0 without weaving or contrib to get it going.
Looks like one of the odb-contrib erroneously referenced gdx backend. Pushed out a new version of both, should be fixed now! Thanks for the report @telostia!
desktop build works fine but can't build using androd. keeps getting errors as below:
tried removing html project and it stil reports error about backend-gwt even when I'm building android using android:installdebug