Daandelange / ofxImGui

Please refer to the develop branch in https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxImGui. I'll keep this fork in sync until it's merged in master.
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RaspberryPi support #15

Open Daandelange opened 1 year ago

Daandelange commented 1 year ago

Currently only GLFW windows are supported by ofxImGui, which can be summed up to mostly only desktop configurations (and recent rpis with GL SL enabled), it would be nice to support the RPI, as the legacy branch does.

There are quite some different ways to run oF on an rpi :

A possible solution : rayLib From a discussion on jvcleave/ofxRpi4Window, I suggested using rayLib for grabbing keyboard input. Now I see that there's rlImGui which could be an alternative imgui loader for Rpis on DRM windows. This will not support all possible rpi configurations, but it's the most efficient in terms of available computing power, and it supports all rpi hardware models (0,1,2,3,4). It will bring a dependency on ofxRpi4Window and/or Raylib for rendering to the screen. On the other side, this might be overkill.

Another solution: Custom backend Porting the legacy branch back to ImGui with the custom backend, ensuring full compatibility with any openFrameworks configuration. This is the solution how Magnum's ImGuiIntegration and Cinder's ImGui both integrate ImGui as an official extension. There's no viewport support (pop-out windows), but as long as we stay in the OF window, it should work. However, a custom backend will make updating ImGui more difficult when there are breaking/depreciated changes.

If considering more widely, maybe it's possible to implement backends of the other OF window systems.

To be followed...

Daandelange commented 1 year ago

A small update on this, RPI support is back.
GLFW windows work with both the GLFW engine and the OpenFrameworks engine.
So I think it should work with that on OF<0.11 where EGL Windows were default.

As to the notes above, keeping this open for RPI support and other configurations.