Daandelange / ofxImGui

Please refer to the develop branch in https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxImGui. I'll keep this fork in sync until it's merged in master.
12 stars 1 forks source link

[report] compiled all the examples on Windows10 / Visual Studio 2017 #2

Closed moebiussurfing closed 3 years ago

moebiussurfing commented 3 years ago

hey @Daandelange, awesome work! thanks.

I just tested/compiled ALL the amazing bundled examples on Windows10 / Visual Studio 2017.
I used the Project Generator like usual, x64 and release.

I report here the problems I have seen on the examples with errors or unexpected behavior:
The non mentioned examples are working fine.

(I do not try to solve anything yet, or reading/understanding all the ofApp comments, just compiled for now.)

Main bug in all examples: The layout is not reloaded when reopening the app. It seems that it's stored fine on imgui.ini file on exit the app.

do not compiles. Errors:

2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'ImVec2'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'IM_PI': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'A': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2146: syntax error: missing ')' before identifier 'S'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?)
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'ImClamp': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2275: 'B': illegal use of this type as an expression
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): note: see declaration of 'B'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2059: syntax error: '}'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'ImDrawList': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'F': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2146: syntax error: missing ')' before identifier 'D'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2059: syntax error: 'if'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2059: syntax error: 'for'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ')' before ';'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '<'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2059: syntax error: '++'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2059: syntax error: ')'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2131: expression did not evaluate to a constant
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): note: failure was caused by non-constant arguments or reference to a non-constant symbol
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): note: see usage of 'M'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2369: 'Q': redefinition; different subscripts
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): note: see declaration of 'Q'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'X': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'T': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C3861: 'fmodf': identifier not found
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'e': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C3927: '->': trailing return type is not allowed after a non-function declarator
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C3613: missing return type after '->' ('int' assumed)
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'AddRectFilled'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '+='
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'S'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'S': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C3861: 'ImFloor': identifier not found
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 2 arguments
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C3861: 'R': identifier not found
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C3861: 'I': identifier not found
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '-='
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2040: 'N': 'int' differs in levels of indirection from 'B &'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2086: 'int A': redefinition
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): note: see declaration of 'A'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'P'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'P': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2065: 'b': undeclared identifier
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C3861: 'ImClamp': identifier not found
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2086: 'int F': redefinition
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): note: see declaration of 'F'
2>f:\openframeworks\addons\ofximgui\example-advanced\src\fx.cpp(3): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'AddCircleFilled'

example-dockingandviewports it works. BUT: dock zone overlays sometimes disappear. dragging out of the app window works fine.

example-multiwindow Bug verified when the two windows differ size. Working better when sizes similar as expected. 10% of the time crashes when closing one window. It seems no matter which window is closed first...

Daandelange commented 3 years ago

Hey, thanks for testing. :)

In example-advanced, fx.cpp file is a highly compressed (<1kb) source code, but there's too much errors for the compression to be the source of the problem.
In the original drawlist_party code, it was a .inl file. I think the VS project compiles it alone, as a .cpp file. Can you try with the commit above ?

example-dockingandviewports : Indeed, I'm having the same issue now on osx too. If at least 1 window is docked, it works, otherwise, not... No idea what the issue is. Edit: And it only happens when ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable is set. Also, it looks something doesn't restore correctly for the oF context, the highlighted zone is not drawn behind the text with ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight().

Edit2: About imgui.ini, that's normal behaviour as the new default option is _restoreGuiState=false. This could be reversed to true for better backwards compatibility. I made it false because I consider it to be an advanced feature, that was on by default in the previous implementation (and in imgui).

Related to #1

moebiussurfing commented 3 years ago

example-advanced: fixed with the new commit. working.

imgui.ini layout auto recall on startup works as you said. ( gui.setup(nullptr, true, false, true, true);) cool! now I switch to this fork. thanks again.

I'll report as soon as I check more than one instance at the same time. Tell me if you want to check another thing.

Daandelange commented 3 years ago

Yay, thanks ! gui.setup(nullptr, true, ImGuiConfigFlags_None, true, true); would be more appropriate for .ini setting. Also keep in mind that the rpi implementation (GL ES) and Vulkan are probably broken, if you need to support these.

Does example-multiwindows still crash sometimes ? What about docking and viewports ?

I'm also hesitating to change the autoDraw parameter to always draw after ofApp.draw() (instead of the original way @ gui.end()). That would bring more clarity in the oxImGui API : gui.start(); /* exclusively GUI composition code ... */ gui.end(); and an optional gui.render(); if one wishes to manually control the rendering order. And it would not break the original API that much. What do you think ?

moebiussurfing commented 3 years ago

Does example-multiwindows still crash sometimes ?

Not much, it's working fine now. (Not sure why crashed yesterday).

What about docking and viewports ?

It works very well. When trying to enable the restore-layout ini settings I made this: gui.setup(nullptr, false, ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable | ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable, true, true); But to allow working well I had to change the flag: ImGuiCond_Once -> ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver That's the expected behavior. So its working perfect. The out-of-OF-app window panels are reopening correctly as well.

void drawWindow(const char* _title, int _x=300, int _y=300, ImGuiWindowFlags _flags=ImGuiWindowFlags_None ){
    ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(200,200), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
    ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(_x+ofGetWindowPositionX(),_y+ofGetWindowPositionY()), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);

hesitating to change the autoDraw parameter to always draw after ofApp.draw()

I agree, should be always in front...