Dabz / ccloudexporter

Prometheus exporter for Confluent Cloud API metric
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Integration with Azure Monitor Logs Question #89

Open zhicaigian opened 3 years ago

zhicaigian commented 3 years ago

Hi all, I have followed https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/containers/container-insights-prometheus-integration documentation and currently we have cluster-wide omsagent replicaset (singleton) to scrape from the ccloudexporter deployment in AKS via kubernetes service.

kubectl logs <ccloudexporter> pod says "Listening on http://:2112/metrics\n", and

and just example of 1 of the lines in kubectl logs <omsagent rs> pod says > prometheus, address=x.x.x.x, scrapeUrl=http://ccloudexportersvc.ccloudexporternamespace.svc.cluster.local:2112/metrics go_memstats_heap_objects=2577

However, in Azure portal > kubernetes service > one of the cluster > Logs > and I've ran queries such as

| where Namespace contains "prometheus"
| where Computer contains "<hostname/node of the omsagent rs>

but the query returns no result.