Open SmurgBurglar opened 4 months ago
Using Reshade Shaders always results in a black screen that can only be resolved by removing them from the .conf, My .conf below.
effects = colorfulness:denoise
colorfulness = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Shaders/Colourfulness.fx denoise = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Shaders/Denoise.fx reshadeTexturePath = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Textures reshadeIncludePath = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Shaders depthCapture = on
toggleKey = Homa
enableOnLaunch = true
casSharpness = 0.4
dlsSharpness = 0.5
dlsDenoise = 0.17
fxaaQualitySubpix = 0.75
fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold = 0.125
fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin = 0.0312
smaaEdgeDetection = luma
smaaThreshold = 0.05
smaaMaxSearchSteps = 32
smaaMaxSearchStepsDiag = 16
smaaCornerRounding = 25
lutFile = "/path/to/lut"
I am having the same issue, on an nVidia RTX 4060. I am only trying to use Vibrance shader in my case.
Using Reshade Shaders always results in a black screen that can only be resolved by removing them from the .conf, My .conf below.
effects is a colon seperated list of effect to use
e.g.: effects = fxaa:cas
effects will be run in order from left to right
one effect can be run multiple times e.g. smaa:smaa:cas
cas - Contrast Adaptive Sharpening
dls - Denoised Luma Sharpening
fxaa - Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing
smaa - Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing
lut - Color LookUp Table
effects = colorfulness:denoise
colorfulness = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Shaders/Colourfulness.fx denoise = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Shaders/Denoise.fx reshadeTexturePath = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Textures reshadeIncludePath = /home/j/.config/vkBasalt/reshade/Shaders depthCapture = on
toggleKey toggles the effects on/off
toggleKey = Homa
enableOnLaunch sets if the effects are enabled when started
enableOnLaunch = true
casSharpness specifies the amount of sharpning in the CAS shader.
0.0 less sharp, less artefacts, but not off
1.0 maximum sharp more artefacts
Everything in between is possible
negative values sharpen even less, up to -1.0 make a visible difference
casSharpness = 0.4
dlsSharpness specifies the amount of sharpening in the Denoised Luma Sharpening shader.
Increase to sharpen details within the image.
0.0 less sharp, less artefacts, but not off
1.0 maximum sharp more artefacts
dlsSharpness = 0.5
dlsDenoise specifies the amount of denoising in the Denoised Luma Sharpening shader.
Increase to limit how intensely film grain within the image gets sharpened.
0.0 min
1.0 max
dlsDenoise = 0.17
fxaaQualitySubpix can effect sharpness.
1.00 - upper limit (softer)
0.75 - default amount of filtering
0.50 - lower limit (sharper, less sub-pixel aliasing removal)
0.25 - almost off
0.00 - completely off
fxaaQualitySubpix = 0.75
fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold is the minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm.
0.333 - too little (faster)
0.250 - low quality
0.166 - default
0.125 - high quality
0.063 - overkill (slower)
fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold = 0.125
fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin trims the algorithm from processing darks.
0.0833 - upper limit (default, the start of visible unfiltered edges)
0.0625 - high quality (faster)
0.0312 - visible limit (slower)
Special notes: due to the current implementation you
Likely want to set this to zero.
As colors that are mostly not-green
will appear very dark in the green channel!
Tune by looking at mostly non-green content,
then start at zero and increase until aliasing is a problem.
fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin = 0.0312
smaaEdgeDetection changes the edge detection shader
luma - default
color - might catch more edges, but is more expensive
smaaEdgeDetection = luma
smaaThreshold specifies the threshold or sensitivity to edges
Lowering this value you will be able to detect more edges at the expense of performance.
Range: [0, 0.5]
0.1 is a reasonable value, and allows to catch most visible edges.
0.05 is a rather overkill value, that allows to catch 'em all.
smaaThreshold = 0.05
smaaMaxSearchSteps specifies the maximum steps performed in the horizontal/vertical pattern searches
Range: [0, 112]
4 - low
8 - medium
16 - high
32 - ultra
smaaMaxSearchSteps = 32
smaaMaxSearchStepsDiag specifies the maximum steps performed in the diagonal pattern searches
Range: [0, 20]
0 - low, medium
8 - high
16 - ultra
smaaMaxSearchStepsDiag = 16
smaaCornerRounding specifies how much sharp corners will be rounded
Range: [0, 100]
25 is a reasonable value
smaaCornerRounding = 25
lutFile is the path to the LUT file that will be used
supported are .CUBE files and .png with width == height * height
lutFile = "/path/to/lut"