On the current download light implementation present in the GeckoView Xamarin.Forms project, content is redirected to the system DownloadManager.
As for evolution and for more complex scenario, like downloading with a cookie present in the current session, the download scenario should:
[ ] Use GeckoWebExecutor Streaming API in order to download data
[ ] Notify current download to user using a system notification on the statut bar. - See this Stackoverflow post
[ ] Being able to add the downloaded file to the DownloadManager history. - See Android documentation
[ ] Open the downloaded file with compatible Intent when download is finished - We can use the same code implementation present on the current DownloadManager implementation.
On the current download light implementation present in the GeckoView Xamarin.Forms project, content is redirected to the system DownloadManager.
As for evolution and for more complex scenario, like downloading with a cookie present in the current session, the download scenario should: