[ ] Add historical ISO 4217. They should be in their own collection.
Updates to currency lists:
[ ] Check and update ISO 4217 symbols and short symbols.
[ ] Use go gen to retrieve list of currencies and their symbols and other information if possible.
Useful fields that should be added to the Currency interface:
[ ] Replaced by currency.
[ ] Rate of exchange with the replacement currency.
[ ] Time range when the currency was official.
[ ] Formatting template. Not sure how to do it, as it is also locale dependent.
[ ] Plural and singular variants for symbols. Complex problem as that also depends on the locale and currency. There may be exceptions for zero values, negative values...
[x] Replace DecimalPlaces with SmallestUnit that returns the value of the smallest unit. Add helper function to get decimal places to fully represent that decimal unit.
List of currencies that should be supported:
Updates to currency lists:
Useful fields that should be added to the