Open yaoyf03 opened 2 months ago
download 下载 I put the necessary dlls in the archive我将必要的 dll 放入存档中
download 下载 I put the necessary dlls in the archive我将必要的 dll 放入存档中
Could you explain that a little more clearly? Thank you
command:hisat-3n-build -p 12 --snp hg38_snp141.snp --haplotype hg38_snp141.haplotype --exon gencode.v46.exon.txt --ss gencode.v46.splice_sites.txt --3N hg38.fa /home/yaoyf/reference/hisat3n_index/hg38_hisat3n_index > log01 2>&1
And while this command is running, the log file displays the command is not reverse-deterministic, so reverse-determinize, and then the command terminates itself. The above problem is not due to insufficient memory problem, I have increased the number of threads to 24, continue to run