DaehwanKimLab / tophat

Spliced read mapper for RNA-Seq
Boost Software License 1.0
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Interoperability problems regarding read fields RNAME, RNEXT, POS and PNEXT for unmapped reads with mapped mate and MAPQ for all unmapped reads #17

Open cbrueffer opened 8 years ago

cbrueffer commented 8 years ago

Downstream software like the Picard suite and samtools have issues with the values TopHat fills into the fields RNAME, RNEXT, POS and PNEXT for unmapped reads that have a mapped mate. Some errors these tools produce can be seen in this SeqAnswers thread: http://seqanswers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28155

I've been able to overcome these issues by assigning new values to the fields of the unmapped reads in question:

RNAME: RNAME of the paired read RNEXT: RNAME of the paired read POS: POS of the paired read PNEXT: 0

Additionally, I had to set MAPQ to 0 for all unmapped reads.

These workarounds are implemented in https://github.com/cbrueffer/tophat-recondition , which may speed up verification and testing.