DaemonEngine / daemonmap

Deprecated navmesh compiler for the Unvanquished game
3 stars 1 forks source link

very old navmesh gen lib #5

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

There were lot of bugfixes those last 4 years in recastnavigation. Those fixes improves a lot the situation concerning the flickering navedit. I'm not sure if they improve more than that, though.

illwieckz commented 2 years ago

Would be good to have anyway!

ghost commented 2 years ago

The only thing preventing simple merging is that the lib fails to build in debug mode, because of some custom assert stuff not being implemented. The solution is rather easy: to redefine dtAssert() and ctAssert() or something like that as just "assert", but that imply patching the submodule, and I'm not fond of that idea. Ideally, something less intrusive should be made, but that lib is rather badly documented imo, so it will waste more time to do that.

illwieckz commented 2 years ago

@slipher would you be able to do this update? That would probably be something similar to https://github.com/DaemonEngine/Daemon/commit/a7d235e74fe6559049c8b89f46f9eb803e931123

ghost commented 2 years ago

I got it to build by hacking directly recast's source code, but that's not pretty and means maintaining a patch over it, and nobody really have time for that.

slipher commented 2 years ago

It was fixed by #6.