Daemonite / material

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Optional Datepicker / Manual entry #201

Closed tbuyle closed 5 years ago

tbuyle commented 5 years ago

The datepicker is great but some uses like to enter date manually.

Is it possible to make the datepicker optional ? For example, by triggering the picker with a click on a small calendar icon next to the field.

User could then choose between entering the date manually or using the picker.

tbuyle commented 5 years ago

Ok, I found a way to do it with additional JS :

// Activate the picker
// Disable the opening on click and focus 
// Remove the readonly attr for the field

Now, add a calendar icon, or any other element you want to use to trigger the picker, either directly in your code or inserting it with JS. And bind a click event on it :

$("#PickerOpener").on("click", function(e){
    var picker = $('#exampleInputDatePicker1').pickadate( 'picker' )

e.stopPropagation() is important as it prevents the click to close the picker...

Note that since we removed the readonly attribute for the field, it can be completed manually - Up to you to validate the format when manually entered.

tbuyle commented 5 years ago

I close the issue since it's resolved.

Being able to set the picker as optional could however be a nice feature.