Daemonite / material

Material Design for Bootstrap 4
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Drawer type doc error #207

Open scorninpc opened 5 years ago

scorninpc commented 5 years ago

First of all, thank you for provide so nicely lib and so flexible. And sorry for my english

On the Drawer doc, if you use data-type="persistent" on the button, works fine, but when you open and close with javascript $('#navdrawerDefault').navdrawer('show'), this create overlay upside the menu and all page. Using data-type="persistent" on the div content, works like a charm

Url: https://daemonite.github.io/material/docs/4.1/material/navigation-drawer/#persistent-drawer Actual code:

<button data-target="#navdrawerPersistent" data-toggle="navdrawer" data-type="persistent" type="button">Launch persistent drawer</button>

<div aria-hidden="true" class="navdrawer navdrawer-persistent" id="navdrawerPersistent" tabindex="-1">...</div>

Working code:

<button data-target="#navdrawerPersistent" data-toggle="navdrawer" type="button">Launch persistent drawer</button>

<div aria-hidden="true" class="navdrawer navdrawer-persistent" data-type="persistent" id="navdrawerPersistent" tabindex="-1">...</div>

I don't make the change and commit for revision, because I don't know if this is a error of code or error of documentation

Using button on header for open image

Using javascript method image

With my suggestion image