Daemonite / material

Material Design for Bootstrap 4
MIT License
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Get a error after compiling to css #216

Closed MayanHaimAnger closed 5 years ago

MayanHaimAnger commented 5 years ago

For customization, a scss file named "styles.scss" that import with this line :

@import "../material-4.1.1/assets/scss/material";

Emit the error :

Error: $map: #ff4136 is not a map. ╷ 62 │ @return map-get(map-get($theme-colors, $key), color); │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ╵ material-4.1.1\assets\scss_functions.scss 62:11 theme-color() material-4.1.1\assets\scss\variables_variable-bootstrap.scss 90:31 @import material-4.1.1\assets\scss_variables.scss 14:9 @import material-4.1.1\assets\scss\material.scss 4:9 @import scss\styles.scss 9:9 root stylesheet

after the command line :

sass styles.scss styles.css

MayanHaimAnger commented 5 years ago

Issue was with my wrong sass syntax