DaewoongP / cerule-stream

Application Object detection using Neural Networks, Python and Open CV (with Raspberry pi)
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3-1)Pi:BBoxes 코딩 #40

Open safecorners opened 6 years ago

safecorners commented 6 years ago
safecorners commented 6 years ago

How to Send data as JSON objects over to MQTT broker MQTT Topic and Payload Design Notes Understanding MQTT Topics Checking Active MQTT Client Connections Automation publish mqtt message in json format

DaewoongP commented 6 years ago

python 정렬 알고리즘

safecorners commented 6 years ago


DaewoongP commented 6 years ago

간단한 JSON에 대한 설명 및 인코딩, 디코딩 python JSON 처리

safecorners commented 6 years ago

프로젝트 구성하기¶

safecorners commented 6 years ago

How to Send JSON Data Over MQTT with Python Using The Mosquitto_pub and Mosquitto_sub MQTT Client Tools- Examples