Dahlgren / arma-server-web-admin

Web based server manager for Arma
MIT License
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Problome when opening the server #104

Open diaverso opened 6 years ago

diaverso commented 6 years ago

When trying to give it to open the server does not leave me. https://i.imgur.com/JpURvFE.png Configuration code: "module.exports = { game: 'arma3', // arma3, arma2oa, arma2, arma1, cwa, ofpresistance, ofp path: 'C:\Users\root\Desktop\Arma3', port: 3000, host: '', // Can be either an IP or a Hostname type: 'windows', // Can be either linux, windows or wine parameters: [ // Additional startup parameters used by all servers '-noSound', '-world=empty' ], serverMods: [ // Mods used exclusively by server and not shared with clients '@mod1', '@mod2', ], admins: [], // add steam IDs here to enable #login without password auth: { // If both username and password is set, HTTP Basic Auth will be used. You may use an array to specify more than one user. username: 'CFor', // Username for HTTP Basic Auth password: 'Cancun', // Password for HTTP Basic Auth }, prefix: "", // Prefix to all server names suffix: "", // Suffix to all server names logFormat: "dev", // expressjs/morgan log format };"

I do not understand, because it does not load the server when it leaves in the console that I realize it?

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago


Your path to Arma 3 is wrong, you need to escape the backslashes, i.e. path: 'C:\\Users\\root\\Desktop\\Arma3',

This is an issue specific to Windows path and string handling, it's not required on other OS

diaverso commented 6 years ago

Yes, sorry. This is how I currently have it.

module.exports = { game: 'arma3', // arma3, arma2oa, arma2, arma1, cwa, ofpresistance, ofp path: 'C:\\Users\\root\\Desktop\\Arma3', port: 3000, host: '', // Can be either an IP or a Hostname type: 'windows', // Can be either linux, windows or wine parameters: [ // Additional startup parameters used by all servers '-noSound', '-world=empty' ], serverMods: [ // Mods used exclusively by server and not shared with clients '@mod1', '@mod2', ], admins: [], // add steam IDs here to enable #login without password auth: { // If both username and password is set, HTTP Basic Auth will be used. You may use an array to specify more than one user. username: 'CFor', // Username for HTTP Basic Auth password: 'Cancun', // Password for HTTP Basic Auth }, prefix: "", // Prefix to all server names suffix: "", // Suffix to all server names logFormat: "dev", // expressjs/morgan log format };

When you install it comes out that there are security failures. What could be the problem? Operating system Windos server 2012 R2

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

What is the current error?

Have you installed the required dependencies by Arma server? DirectX and Redistributables? They should be installed by starting it from Steam client once.

How are you starting the web server? By using npm start you will also see Arma 3 dedicated server window popup once it starts as well. These are hidden while running as a service.

diaverso commented 6 years ago

The problem occurred when I made the npm start and entered the web page. I give the button I get in the terminal that was given the order to light. But the weapon launcher 3 does not open. Use to download steamcmd. And download and install DirectX Vcredist and net framework 4. Do not provide the way to install it from the steam launcher itself. I attached a small video to see what you do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ef3jAJjP-c&feature=youtu.be

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

Ah, are the ports free? Arma uses the defined port and four subsequent ports, all must be free. Seems like there is already at least two servers running. Is there anything in the rpt file?

diaverso commented 6 years ago

It is an ovh machine which should have all open ports as standard. In the same way we use the port to start a server from a bat. The two open servers are servers that are open from the launchers bat that are on the desktop. Even if they are closed, the server is still not open.

Where is the rpt file?

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

Hopefully in the Logs view, otherwise %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Arma 3

diaverso commented 6 years ago

Nothing appears. It's as if I do not create any record of the launch attempts. Try to open the server on my pc. Windows 10 This is what I get when I give npm start https://i.imgur.com/SIcjZ1w.png

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

It says your port 3000 is already used, either close the app running on port 3000 or change the web admin port. Or that you've set an IP as host which doesn't match your computer's IP. Either use or set the correct IP.

diaverso commented 6 years ago

I tried it on my windows 10 PC. Here I attach a video so you can see how I do it and how it works without problems. https://www.dropbox.com/s/18hxmgeemtkxjx8/2018-07-11_00-00-02.mp4?dl=0 I do it in the external machine of ovh, I leave you also all the steps so you can see how I do it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfebp7v72ao2wnk/2018-07-11_00-10-58.mp4?dl=0 In the second machine it does not work for me, and I can not understand why.

diaverso commented 6 years ago

The problem, can it be that Windows server 2012 instead of Windows server 2012 r2?

Dahlgren commented 6 years ago

Could you add me to Steam (https://steamcommunity.com/id/Dahlgren) or Discord (@Dahlgren#1337) so I can get back to you quicker? :)