Dai0526 / ASE-Fall2016

Group project for ASE Fall 2016 Columbia University
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System Test cases #9

Open ruomengz opened 7 years ago

ruomengz commented 7 years ago

User stories:

  1. Register
  2. Login
  3. Logout
  4. Create groups
  5. Add members
  6. Add events
  7. Download logs
ruomengz commented 7 years ago

Test case 1:Test Register.

Action Input Excepted output
Open the page The application main GUI appears.
Click Register input the username, email and password. Verify that the text box display what we type and hide the password with *
After register Jump to the login page.
ruomengz commented 7 years ago

Test case 2:Test Login & Logout.

Action Input Excepted output
Open the page The application main GUI appears.
Click Login input the username and password registered before. Verify that the text box display what we type and hide the password with *
After login Jump to the home page. Icons about groups and logout appear.
Click logout Jump to the home page without the navigator of groups.
ruomengz commented 7 years ago

Test case 3: Test create groups

Action Input Excepted output
Open the page and login The application main GUI appears.
Click "create a group" input the group name and description of the group. Verify that the text box display what we type.
Click "public group" Jump to the public page. All groups show on the page include the one just created.
Click "my groups" Jump to my group page. All groups of the user show on the page include the one just created.
Click the group neme The group info is displayed on the page include the user, displaying in members of the group.
ruomengz commented 7 years ago

Test case 4: Test add members

Action Input Excepted output
Open the page and login The application main GUI appears.
Click "my groups" and one group name Jump to the group page. The group info is displayed on the page include a adding user text box and a submit button.
add a member type a user name and click "add" The user added to the group and displayed on the page.
ruomengz commented 7 years ago

Test case 5: Test add event

Action Input Excepted output
Open the page and login The application main GUI appears.
Click "my groups" and one group name Jump to the group page. The group info is displayed on the page include an adding user text box and a submit button.
add an event type an event title and description and click "share" The event added to the group is displayed on the page.
ruomengz commented 7 years ago

Test case 6: Test download

Action Input Excepted output
Open the page and login The application main GUI appears.
Click "my groups" and one group name Jump to the group page. The group info is displayed on the page.
download the log click "share" A CSV file is downloaded to the local. Check the title and description and other info about the log are right.