DaigoOUE / arXiv-check

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Quadraxial metamaterial #171

Open DaigoOUE opened 3 years ago

DaigoOUE commented 3 years ago

Denis Sakhno, Eugene Koreshin, Pavel A. Belov

We study the dispersion of electromagnetic waves in a spatially dispersive metamaterial with Lorentz-like dependence of principal permittivity tensor components on the respective components of the wave vector performing the analysis of isofrequency contours. The considered permittivity tensor describes triple non-connected wire medium. It is demonstrated that the metamaterial has four optic axes in the frequency range below artificial plasma frequency. The directions of the optical axes do not depend on frequency and coincide with the diagonals of quadrants. The metamaterial supports two propagating electromagnetic waves in all directions of space except the directions of axes. The conical refraction effect is observed for all four optic axes both below and above artificial plasma frequency where the metamaterial supports five propagating waves in most of the directions.


DaigoOUE commented 3 years ago

ワイヤーを四方八方に張り巡らせたメタマテリアルを作った!4軸異方性!conical refraction!