DaigoOUE / arXiv-check

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A hydrodynamic analog of superradiant emission #190

Open DaigoOUE opened 2 years ago

DaigoOUE commented 2 years ago

Valeri Frumkin, Konstantinos Papatryfonos, John W. M. Bush

Superradiance is a quantum phenomenon that occurs when a collection of atoms exhibits cooperative, spontaneous emission of photons at a rate that exceeds that of its component parts. Superradiance is of both fundamental and practical interest, as it has applications in various fields, including quantum information technologies, cryptography, and narrow linewidth lasers. Here, we reveal a similar phenomenon in a hydrodynamic system consisting of a pair of vibrationally-excited cavities, coupled through their common wavefield, that spontaneously emit droplets via interfacial fracture. The amplified droplet emission rate varies sinusoidally with distance between the two cavities, establishing a hydrodynamic analog of superradiant photon emission. The emission events are random, but their probability depends non-linearly on the amplitude of the wavefield, a result reminiscent of Born's rule. This classical system thus captures certain key aspects of the statistical structure of quantum mechanics.


DaigoOUE commented 2 years ago


DaigoOUE commented 2 years ago
