DaigoOUE / arXiv-check

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Vacuum decay and fermion total reflection by the Klein step #211

Open DaigoOUE opened 2 years ago

DaigoOUE commented 2 years ago

H. Nakazato, M. Ochiai

The so-called Klein tunneling is re-examined within the framework of quantum field theory, but from a different point of view on the asymptotic states. We treat it as a one-dimensional scattering process of a fermion incident to a step potential and introduce asymptotic operators as appropriate t=±∞ limits of the field operator responsible for the process. For the so-called Klein energy range, two asymptotic vacua naturally emerge which are defined as states annihilated by the asymptotic annihilation operators. They are related by a similarity transformation, which entails a vacuum decay and yields a vacuum decay constant. When a fermion with incident energy in the Klein region is injected to the step, it is shown to be reflected with probability one, accompanied by fermion--anti-fermion pairs that are vacuum decay products.


DaigoOUE commented 2 years ago
