DaigoOUE / arXiv-check

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Thermal melting of a quantum electron solid in the presence of strong disorder: Anderson versus Wigner #78

Closed DaigoOUE closed 2 years ago

DaigoOUE commented 2 years ago

DinhDuy Vu, Sankar Das Sarma

We consider temperature-induced melting of a Wigner solid in a one dimensional (1D) chain of electrons interacting via the long-range Coulomb interaction in the presence of strong disorder arising from charged impurities in the system. The system is the 1D analog of many semiconductor-based 2D electron layers where Wigner crystallization is often claimed to be observed experimentally. Using exact diagonalization and utilizing the inverse participation ratio to distinguish between the localized insulating solid phase and the extended metallic liquid phase, we find that the effective melting temperature may be strongly enhanced by disorder since the disordered crystal typically could be in a localized glassy state incorporating the combined nonperturbative physics of both Anderson localization and Wigner crystallization. This disorder-induced enhancement of the melting temperature may explain why experiments often manage to observe insulating disorder-pinned Wigner solids in spite of the experimental temperature being decisively far above the theoretical melting temperature of the pristine Wigner crystal phase.


DaigoOUE commented 2 years ago

Das Sarma氏最新論文.ウィグナー結晶に不純物を入れるとどうなるか?1次元模型の計算.ガラス状態が発生して融解温度がが上がる🌡