DalgoT4D / webapp

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Sort streams by name in the Connections form #840

Closed fatchat closed 1 month ago

fatchat commented 1 month ago


Dalgo's Connections form shows a list of streams for that connection. The list is currently not sorted by name


Expected Outcome

The connections form (new / edit) should show streams sorted alphabetically by name

Acceptance Criteria

Implementation Details

Start at CreateConnectionForm.tsx

Mockups / Wireframes

This is the current view


Product Name


Project Name


Organization Name:

Project Tech4Dev


30 Others

Tech Skills Needed:








Sub Category

Frontend, Beginner friendly

Harine19 commented 1 month ago

I am currently working on this issue, can you assign it to me? @fatchat

Harine19 commented 1 month ago

I have it running and will resolve the issue soon @fatchat

Screenshot (44)

Akshat-Jaiswal-8 commented 1 month ago

hey @fatchat , i've made the changes and raised a PR. But in my local I'm able to see only one source stream. image

But the changes i've made will probably work . If found any inconsistency , i'll make the changes.

Harine19 commented 1 month ago

@fatchat As mentioned before, I've completed resolving the issue. I have sorted the streams alphabetically and all the streams are present. I have also added the corresponding test. With having to make both changes it took a while, but I have finished it and raised a PR, the automatic tests you've set have also ran successfully,

Please do review, thanks!