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Update faker to 25.8.0 #6601

Closed pyup-bot closed 2 weeks ago

pyup-bot commented 2 weeks ago

This PR updates faker from 25.0.1 to 25.8.0.

Changelog ### 25.8.0 ``` * Add handshake emoji with different color variations to emoji provider list. Thanks tamkc. ``` ### 25.7.0 ``` * Add missing translation for countries in `pt-BR`. Thanks LeonardoFurtado. ``` ### 25.6.0 ``` * Fix data in geo for `pl_PL`. Thanks george0st, mgorny. ``` ### 25.5.0 ``` * Fix data in geo for `pl_PL`. Thanks george0st. ``` ### 25.4.0 ``` * Add landmarks in `geo` for `pl_PL`. Thanks george0st. ``` ### 25.3.0 ``` * Add more iOS versions to `user_agent`. Thanks george0st. ``` ### 25.2.0 ``` * Update VAT generation in `nl_BE` to align with correct Belgian format. Thanks JorisSpruyt. ``` ### 25.1.0 ``` * Add geo for `pl_PL`. Thanks george0st. * Add geo for `sk_SK`. Thanks george0st. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/faker - Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/faker/ - Repo: https://github.com/joke2k/faker