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Experimenter defines spawning rules: 8pts #240

Open skleinfeldt opened 1 year ago

skleinfeldt commented 1 year ago

User story:

As an experimenter I can define overall spawning rules for the map: whether objects are randomly placed or clumped.

[Note: this may have elements in common with the wall-building algorithms. Natalia will take the lead on algorithm development.]

alecpm commented 1 year ago

On further investigation GU already handles this pretty well, and we're going to be generalizing the existing spawning rules as part of the definition of objects in #232 in order to replicate the current functionality for "Food" objects. The following optional properties will be available on all objects:

Somewhat related are:

alecpm commented 1 year ago

This was 95% done when implementing #232, but I did a small refactor to support configuring the initial player distribution. I've included that change into PR #248. Both aspects seem to be working well.